Friday, July 27, 2012

Slowly but Surely

Saying that this summer has been a bit crazy/busy is an understatement. I have been babysitting a newborn, Sawyer, most everyday and wouldn't trade it for the world. On Wednesdays I babysit three precious children, Sara Catherine, Anna, and David Evans. Both families live in my neighborhood which is more than convenient! the midst of all my babysitting, I have been busting tail whenever I have a moment to get ANY possible thing accomplished in Room 15. Not to mention that they hosted a camp in my classroom for two weeks. Here is the few pictures I have captured so far, there will be many more to come! The first picture is when I showed up and camp was taking place! (I had to sneak in when the kids were playing in the gym and having lunch!)
Obviously, the tables are not in place and there is a HOT MESS on my desk.
The Word Wall was already there, so I am going to leave it for now! I plan to let the children create the words that I will display on the word wall. That way it is their work!! To the far left of this picture is going to be the Math Center. 
I LOVE THE STORAGE in this classroom.
I will take pictures of my three closets that took DAYS to organize and clean out! I am super proud of how they have turned out!
 This is my classroom library. The other 3/4 of my books are in my book closet. 
Behind this book shelf will be considered the writing center because it is close to a quiet area in the classroom. Behind the writing center is where I will pull my small groups. 
All of my leveled reader books are close to the small group area. 
I am still looking for the perfect fabric for curtains in my classroom. I'm not fretting about that though because there are nice blinds!
The board in the back is for "Tree"mendous Work. I will be 
 I love my director's chair! It was actually my mom's from when I was in elementary school and I actually just got a new cover! 
This was before I covered the bulletin board with the green table cloth.
Still debating whether or not I will be putting up a calendar. I am not sure if it is necessary. I may be doing the calendar on my Smart Board! :)
Probably the most stressful part of this process so far: these bulletin boards. I made classroom job labels on the computer, laminated, cut them out and then changed my mind. TIME CONSUMING. So I started all over and decided to do them by hand, laminate, and use a razor to cut a slit for the popsicle stick to go on. 
I am still trying to decide how I am going to display information about the 
Star Monkey of the Week! Any suggestions?
To the left is my whole brain teaching rules displayed. I am very excited about incorporating whole brain teaching into my classroom. Each day the children will review the rules during morning meeting. The "Rules Leader" will be in charge of leading the rules chant each day. 
Here is my Behavior Clip Chart that took some serious time as well, but I think hard work pays off. Children will start off on "Right-on Rhino" everyday. This may be tricky at first for the parent that wants their child to reach marvelous monkey everyday, so I have created a letter to explain this clip chart very clearly! 
*All of my pom poms were from my friend Vivian's little girl Natalie's first birthday party! The pinwheels are from the party as well. I am so thankful! Thanks Natalie, I know my class is going to love them!!

Stay tuned for more photos of Room 15! Any suggestions, please let me know!

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